How to tie line to a spade-end hook

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Many experienced match-style anglers, certainly those who learned their craft years ago before stepped-up gear for carp pools came along, tie spade-end hooks by hand.

But the easiest way to tie the line to a spade-end hook, if you are new to them, is by using a hook tyer.

The Stonfo model used in this demonstration  has a knurled collar to rotate the tool and form the whipping. It also has thick wire posts around which the hook trace is lassoed to create the knot.

Just remember the line must be held under tension so thread it through the rod rings before tying the hook on the trace.

(Image credit: Angler's Mail)

1 Grip bend of hook in jaws and secure with locking wheel. Push line clip posts fully through tyer so they stand proud. Hold hook trace taut and loop it around both posts leaving sufficient line to form the knot.

(Image credit: Angler's Mail)

2 Hold line against shank and rotate tyer to whip on a minimum of five neat turns, which must not overlap. Actual number of turns depends on hook size and trace diameter. Maintain tension on trace at all times.

(Image credit: Angler's Mail)

3 Keep the trace taut and pull it through gap at base of front clip so it is held under tension within post.

(Image credit: Angler's Mail)

4 Push line clip post down and continue holding it down. Pull hook trace to tighten whipping around shank. Ensure the trace is coming from inside the hook to prevent it being frayed by the spade under pressure. Slacken tension on locking wheel ready for release.

Don't do it like this!

(Image credit: Angler's Mail)

WRONG! 5 This is the moment when it could all unravel! In theory, pulling the trace from above is all that’s needed to free the loop of line from the front clip. In reality, it often results in a couple of coils slipping over the spade.

Do it like this!

(Image credit: Angler's Mail)

RIGHT 6 Always grip the spade and whipping against the shank to prevent coils unravelling as you withdraw hook from tyer.

(Image credit: Angler's Mail)

7 Now pulling the trace away from the tyer will complete the knot formation leaving a long tag end. Again, adjust the whipping on the shank if necessary so the trace emerges from within the hook.

(Image credit: Angler's Mail)

8 Wet the whipping with saliva and tighten it halfway up the shank before easing it against the spade with your thumbnail. Trim the tag end.

Angler's Mail

Running from 1964 until 2020, Angler's Mail was the UK's leading weekly magazine devoted to coarse fishing, telling readers everything they needed to know about which fish to catch, where to catch them, and what kit they needed to do it. Now, loads of the magazine's expert advice can be found on, as a helpful resource for angling newcomers and experts alike.