scree What is scree – and how do you hike on it? Scree can be the bane of a hiker’s existence, presenting dangerous terrain that can tire you out and cause nasty falls What is the treeline? And why is it important when hiking? What is the treeline? We explain what this frequently used hiking term refers to, where the treeline is, and what it means for you as a hiker Scree running: the dos and mainly don’ts of the controversial activity We talk to an elite runner about scree running, why it's problematic, and how to approach running on scree safely when you can’t avoid it Advnture NewsletterAll the latest inspiration, tips and guides to help you plan your next Advnture!Contact me with news and offers from other Future brandsReceive email from us on behalf of our trusted partners or sponsors LATEST ARTICLES1Hikers flocking to see eruption of Mount Etna cause chaos, blocking emergency services and putting themselves in danger2"Going East" by Arc'teryx is one of the best ski films you'll see in a long time – watch it now3Hikers have mixed reviews after taking on one of China's toughest treks wearing AI-powered exoskeletons4Our favorite lightweight tent "oozes high-end quality" - and you can get it for almost $200 off right now5Xero shoes just took 20% off all its new – yes new – barefoot hiking and running styles for a more natural feel on the trails this spring