Watch State Troopers use rope and creative thinking to flush stubborn bear from car

Black bear
(Image credit: Getty)

State Troopers had to use some creative thinking to free a bear from a vehicle in Hudson Valley last week. The animal had climbed into a car on Route 28, and refused to budge.

As Mid Hudson News reports, State Troopers had to shut down the road while Environmental Conservation officers devised a plan that would free the black bear without causing it unnecessary stress. EnCon Officers Johnson and Walraven positioned their vehicles to create a 'funnel' into nearby woodland, away from traffic, then used a strong rope to open the car's back hatch and safely release the bear.

The vehicle sustained heavy damage, but the bear appeared unharmed and ran off into the trees. The New York Department of Environmental Conservation shared a short video of the incident, which you can watch below (if the video fails to load, see it on the DEC website instead).

Black bears are opportunistic scavengers, and can be particularly bold at this time of year when they are laying on fat stores in preparation for hibernation. It's important to prevent them accessing human food, as this can result in them becoming food conditioned and seeking it out again in future. This increases the odds of interactions with people, which can have terrible results for both humans and animals.

When exploring bear country, make sure you keep food, garbage, toiletries, and anything else that smells interesting safely stored in a bear canister, locker, or suspended out of reach in a bear bag. If you've visiting a US National Park, check the official guidance to find out how to keep it safe. For more advice, see our guide what to do if you meet a bear.

Cat Ellis
Former editor

Cat is Homes Editor at TechRadar and former editor of Advnture. She's been a journalist for 15 years, and cut her teeth on magazines before moving online. She helps readers choose the right tech for their home, get the best deals, and do more with their new devices.