Wyoming woman seriously injured in sudden moose attack

Bull moose in snow, Wyoming
(Image credit: Getty)

A woman was seriously injured after being charged by a moose in Teton Village, Wyoming, last Friday. Hannah Garland, aged 27, was walking her dog when she saw "A huge dark figure" bearing down on her.

Local news site Buckrail  reports that the incident happened in the early hours of the morning, before dawn. Garland attempted to call her dog back, but was head-butted and knocked down by the moose, which then trampled her.

Despite her injuries. Garland was able to escape with her dog while the moose remained pacing about the parking lot. She was later diagnosed with concussion, six broken ribs, and severe bruising to her right arm.

Moose safety

Although usually docile, moose are wild animals and can be unpredictable, lashing out if they or their young are threatened. They can also become easily agitated during mating season or when tired, which is common in winter.

Moose are known to react badly to dogs, and it's possible that Garland's pet may have spooked the animal, flushing it out into the open. Despite their size, moose can run extremely fast, reaching speeds up to 35mph, and they may even trample people by accident due to their poor eyesight.

If you see a moose, you should get your dog on a leash as soon as possible, and keep small children nearby. Talk calmly to the animal, and back away to give it plenty of space so it doesn't feel threatened. 

If the moose begins to charge, try to get behind something solid like a building, boulder, or large tree for protection. If the worst comes to the worst, lie down and play dead, using your hands and arms to protect your head and neck and drawing your knees in. If you have a backpack, you can use it as a shield. For more advice, see our guide what to do if you see a moose while hiking.

Cat Ellis

Cat is Homes Editor at TechRadar and former editor of Advnture. She's been a journalist for 15 years, and cut her teeth on magazines before moving online. She helps readers choose the right tech for their home, get the best deals, and do more with their new devices.